Something Feral

Digging up the flower-beds.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Caturday Night Special, Episode 0x40

1 comment:

Wonder Woman said...

Aw, kittens!

We found a kitten in the middle of our lane on the highway last Saturday.
I did my screaming dance thing whilst my husband swerved, then backed up the car to see if the poor little guy was injured.

We plucked it from the highway, he/she was a bit frozen, hence the laying there not moving on the road, and we took the cute lil fella home.

My husband calmly explained how we didn't need anymore pets. Which I understood, but if I am honest, didn't like very much.

I found him\her a home the very next day!

I heard from the adopted momma, the kitten is doing very well, a regular snuggle bum!

Man, I love God's creatures when they're little and not arguing and confronting me ;-)
