Saturday, March 14, 2009

Caturday Night Special, Episode 0x22

"Drat, thwarted so close to freedom’s sweet caress… I dreamed for but a taste of the decadent west, and now my eulogy is sung by guard dogs and alarm bells."


This week's Caturday is brought to you by Яolcats: bringing you a taste of the future, you capitalist pig-dogs.


  1. This russian website is just bizarre. What a nutball sense of humor...

  2., or Яolcats? They both make me chuckle, but in slightly different ways. The second was an inspired creation, I think; there's far too much Internet gold at the first site to let it pass unexploited.

    Speaking of, I should really apply myself this week to making Rosetta Stone work in Linux.

  3. Yes yes you should. I acquired the install cd, but it isn't working and I am clueless!

  4. Off beat, tis the sound of my heart...
