Something Feral

Digging up the flower-beds.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Caturday Night Special, Episode XX

No political lolcats this week. I drove back today, and did Voxiversity afterwards, which wiped me out (and I can't seem to break the 90% curse).


Triton said...

I got 10/10 once, but that's it. The rest of my scores have been 8's and 9's.

I've found it helps to skim the material again right before you take the quiz.

Something Feral said...

I take fairly detailed notes, but even then I second-guess myself if I'm not paying attention.

This last one was just a stupid mistake, though. I winced when I realized what I did, mostly because I really did know the answer, I was just looking for a person rather than a nation, and that clouded my thinking a bit.